There is a large number of sponge pads in the Epson 元115 and 元116 printer, which called “Waste Ink Pads”. That’s called Waste Ink Pads Counter Overflow’. After a huge amount of pages print, it stops the print and indicates for service through error light blinking and Service Required message on the computer screen. Epson 元115 and 元116 are the most popular, Ultra High Speen, Heavy-duty, and low-cost Eco-tank printer in the market by EPSON. Welcome to another post of Epson printer resetter or Adjustment Program for Free. If you want to know How to Clean the Ink Pad Click Here. But it is recommended that clean or change the Waste Ink Pad also. With the help of EPSON Resetter below, you will able to Turn On your printer again. Important Note: This problem arises when Waste Ink Pad is full. Please read the post below and you will be able to Troubleshoot your Epson 元115 or 元116 red LED light blinking problem.

And if your searching for the solution in the internet world.

No need paid software, No service Engineer, No need to visit Epson Service Center.įriend, If you are facing the problem with your Epson 元115 or 元116 Red Light Blinking Continuously. : Download Gratis Kumpulan Resetter Adjustment Program (AdjProg.exe) Semua Seri versi Terbaru 2021 dan Tutorial Cara Menggunakannya - Ketika printer Epson tidak mau mencetak dokumen apapun atau sedang bermasalah, biasanya lampu indikator power / resume atau indikator kertas / tinta akan berkedip secara bergantian atau bersamaan secara terus menerus.ĭownload Epson 元115, 元116 Resetter, or Adjustment Program rar for free. No need paid software, No service Engineer, No need to visit Epson Service Center. Download Epson 元115, 元116 Resetter, or Adjustment Program rar for free.